In this blog I´m not trying to give more information about things related to the internet, his governance, his tools...etc, since I know there are thousands of people who already have written about it. In this blog, I just would like to give my point of view about the development and changes that our society has experienced with the arrival of new technolgies and relate it to other other topics (music, news, movies...).

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


Today, I visited the webpage "opennet" in order to get better informed about the situation of those countries where the goverments filter the web so that, as they say, they can "protect morals, national security, religion, ethnic minorities and even the spiritual, cultural and scientific potential of the country".

After reading a few articles I have realized that we are so focused on the fact that Iran is developing a nuclear plan (something that I understand after listening its president saying that "Iran is a nuclear state") that we forget the situation of censorship that iranian people (specially women) are suffering.

Opennet website says that "the Islamic Republic of Iran continues to expand and consolidate its technical filtering system, which is among the most extensive in the world". The English and Persian websites of the BBC have been blocket, independent sources of news such as Iranian.com, roozonline.com, and radiozamaneh.com were blocked, the popular Farsi social networking and independent news Web site, Balatarin.com, was blocked too... I could continue enumerating the different websites were censorship has been applied but it would take me too long to write them. And this number has grown after the last elections!

And you might wonder....Where the hell are the disidents? (something that is difficult to find if most of the people ideals and knowledge are controled by the goverment of Ahmadineyad). Well, if you have read the article that I enclosed before, you will see how this regimen suppresesses the disidence...

However, and fortunatly, there are still groups of disidents and campaigns that are trying to put an end to this situation.

Specially I would like to focus on the campaign"One Million Signatures Demanding Changes to Discriminatory Laws," also called the "Change for Equality". This is a campaign initiated by Iranian women's rights activists in Iran which aims to collect one million signatures to demand changes to discriminatory laws against women in Iran.

The collection of a million signatures in support of changes to the law is only one of several aims of this campaign. The Campaign, in its own words, will also aim to achieve goals such as "the promotion of collaboration and cooperation for social change, the identification of women's needs and priorities, amplifying women's voices, increasing knowledge, promoting democratic action"...etc.

Actually, and thanks to the help of other democratic countries, a webpage has been created in order to spread out this movement.

Cause even though censorship exists, internet is still a weapon to fight against injusticies!

¡That´s how they are!

And meanwhile Ahmadineyad and Chavez together give speeches as this one....

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